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Plant Sale & Pop-up Shop

Fall Plant Sale & Pop-up Shop: One Day Only

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: NS/S Conservation Center, 3584 E River Rd, Tucson, AZ
  • Wildflower and landscape plants grown by Nighthawk Natives Nursery
  • Herb & Veggie starts grown by NS/S, from the NS/S Seed Bank Collection
  • Pop-up Shop - featuring an assortment of items from our Sonoran Pantry & Online Gift Shop: Beans, Moles, Posole, Spices & Seasonings, Teas, Hats, T-shirts, Bandanas, & Books. Browse or shop this collection here>>
  • If you can't make the plant sale you can shop seeds online here>>
Members can shop early, 8AM-9AM. Not a member? Sign up today>>
NS/S Starts - Check back for a list of varieties!

Plant Starts From Native Nighthawk Nursery: 

1 Gallon:
Anisicanthus thurberi / Desert Honeysuckle
Antiginon leptopus / Queen’s Wreath Vine
Asclepias angustifolia / Arizona Milkweed
Asclepias subulata / Desert Milkweed
Bouteloua gracilis / Blue Grama
Caeselpinia mexicana / Yellow Bird of Paradise
Calliandra eriophylla / Pink Fairy Duster
Conocliniuim greggii / Gregg’s Mist Flower
Dalea greggii / Trailing Indigo Bush
Dasylirion wheeleri / Desert Spoon
Dodonea viscosa / Hop Seed Bush
Erythrina flabelliformis / Coral Bean
Euphorbia antisyphilitica / Candelilla
Justicia sonorae / Sonoran Honeysuckle
Larrea tridentata / Creosote Bush
Maurandya antirrhiniflora / Snapdragon Vine
Melampodium leucantheum / Blackfoot Daisy
Passiflora foetida / Passion Vine
Penstemon eatoni / Firecracker Penstemon
Penstemon parryi / Parry’s Penstemon
Senna covesii / Wild Senna
Sporobolus airoides / Alkali Sacaton
Tecoma stans / Yellow Bells

5 Gallon:
Pink Guava